Friday, July 12, 2013

July 13,2014 day time


Reading: Luke 14:16-26
NATS: If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father, his mother, his wife, his children ... he can not be my disciple (Luke 14:26)

Some forest workers struggle to put out fires. Other workers battling for fast growing plants. Article in the Mercury News reported a team of volunteers struggled eliminate various plants that invade redwood forests in the Santa Cruz mountains. The workers say that many of them migrant species that are sold in stores eradicate the plant. Vines from Germany, for example, be a serious problem in California. Exotic house plants are fast growing and competing with native species that area. Poisonous vines that cover everything in its path and off. Plants that can "wrap" and destroy the tree.

With the thought of the damage that the plant, we are invited to understand something that is more important than saving trees. Jesus warned us that everything is competing with him to win the hearts we can turn off our spiritual lives. He said that natural love in the family can be dangerous and even hinder us to follow Him (Luke 14:16-26). 

God wants our love and loyalty to Him is not divided with the other.
If we treasure Christ above all things, we will learn to love our family with a deeper love and healthy. However, before we give absolute allegiance to Him, our love of family will grow in our hearts like fire or vines from Germany and destroy the forest.
Do not let anything compete with Christ - MRD II



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july 13, 2013 Morning


Reading: Acts 1:1-8
NATS: You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8)

In his book Love Is Now, Peter Gilquist stated that he and his colleagues were invited to be a speaker for a group of students at UCLA [University of California, Los Angeles]. After the meeting, a young man expressed a desire to discuss safety. Therefore, Gilquist arrange a meeting with him the next morning.

The students really wanted what he saw in the lives of Christians. However, he is hesitant to make a commitment because he thought he had to witness to others about Jesus. However, Gilquist convinced that to be a Christian he was not charged with anything other than faith in Christ.

Realizing that salvation is a gift of God through faith, the students happily accept the Lord Jesus as his Savior. However, something strange happened when he returned to the dorm. He met with his friend, then told his friend about his new faith in Christ. Before the day was over, he had testified to everyone in her dorm about Jesus.

Our faith in Christ should reflect a heart full of gratitude, which is a genuine desire to share the blessings of salvation to others. If we are reluctant to testify, let us ask God that He gives us the desire to talk about him. Thus, we will bear witness as we intend to do - RWD



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Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11,2013 night


Reading: 1 Corinthians 4:14-17
NATS: Be my followers, just as I also imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1)

A boy looked at his grandfather and asked questions aloud, Grandpa, Grandpa how to live for Jesus? The revered grandfather leaned over and whispered to the boy, Note me alone.

Years turned into years, the old man set an example for children to follow Jesus. He remained steadfast to live for Him. However, her grandchildren often live in a way that is not pleasing to God.
One day the young man visiting his grandfather and they realized that it was my last visit. When his grandfather lay helpless, granddaughter bent over the bed and heard her grandfather whispered, Have you been watching me?

That was a defining moment in the lives of these boys. He understands that when his grandfather said, Look me alone, she intends, Be my followers, just as I also imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1). He promised that henceforth he would live like kakeknyaberjuang to please Jesus. It has been noticed, and now he knows how he should live.

Is someone watching you? Is there a Christian young people need to see that living for Jesus every day and in every way is possible to do? Challenge yourself merekadan also. Challenge them to notice. Then show them how to JDB



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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July,11 2012 dat time


Reading: Matthew 25:24-28
NATS: I was with you in weakness and in great fear and trembling (1 Cor 2:3)

Suzanne Bloch, an immigrant from Germany, often playing music with Albert Einstein and other prominent scientists. He said that Einstein was a great violinist, but he often annoy the other musicians because they can not follow the rhythm beats. "Einstein could not count the beats," said Bloch explained. Yes! Einstein could design the revolutionary theories of the universe, but he has trouble counting cadence. However, despite their limitations, Einstein remained an enthusiastic musician.

Is sometimes we lament our limitations? We all have the ability, but we sometimes also hampered by incompetence. From there, we might be tempted to use our limitations as an excuse to do some things, that we can actually do if God has enabled us. If we have no talent for public speaking or singing in the choir, it does not mean we should remain silent and not doing anything for the service.

When we realize that we all have limitations, let us seek God's guidance in order to use our talents. We can certainly pray. We certainly can show kindness to others. We can visit people who are lonely, sick, and elderly. We can hit with simple and tell what Jesus Christ meant for our lives. Paul said, "So we have gifts that varies according to the grace given to us" (Romans 12:6) - VCG



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July 11,2013 morning


Reading: Proverbs 4:20-27
NATS: Examine me, O Lord (Psalm 26:2)

If you had to choose, most likely I would not be happy to see a doctor for a physical checkup. I tend to think that everything was fine and did not want to bother my doctor about it. However, because my wife's a nurse, I had no choice. I undergo regular health checks.

If you had to choose, most of us are a little afraid of the spiritual health examination. After all, if we examine very carefully the spirit, we may need to change one or two habits. We probably need some sort of "cutting behavior".
I suggest that we overcome the reluctance. With God's guidance, let us spiritual health checkup. Wear Proverbs 4:20-27 as a checklist.
Ear (v. 20): Do we hear God's word clearly and understand it? Do we run what is said in it?
Eyes (paragraph 21.25): Do we always pay attention to the teachings that will lead us to the truth?
Heart (verse 23): Do we keep the hearts of the wicked?

Tongues (verse 24): Are we honest and pure mouth?
Feet (verse 26): What we're going straight to the righteousness of God without hesitation?

How is your spiritual examination results? Is that your view of the inspection there are parts that need to be addressed? Spiritual examination regularly will help restore your spiritual vitality - JDB




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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July 10,2013 day time

Miracles OR MAGIC?

Reading: John 10:22-42
NATS: But if I do it and you would not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in Bap (John 10:38)

Did Jesus really walk on water or just stepping on the sand along the shore? Is He really multiplied the bread and fish to feed 5,000 people or simply bewitching people, so they think he feed them? What Jesus did; miracle or magic?

When a Christian illusionist Brock Gill discuss that question in a BBC television program, he set aside his personal opinions in order to assess various biblical miracles openly. The producer, Jean-Claude Bragard says, "In fact, if an atheist was chosen to be the host, this conclusion would not change." In any case, Gill concluded he could not deceive the people to believe that what they witnessed was a miracle.
However, people who have seen many miracles Jesus did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah. They are ready to kill Jesus because claiming that he is God (John 10: 30,31). Jesus said to them, "If I do not do the works of my Father, do not believe in me, but if I do it and you would not believe Me, believe the [miracles], so that ye may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in the Father "(verses 37,38).

The miracles Jesus reveals His identity as the Son of God, Savior who has come to give His life for the sins of the world. The works and the resurrection is not a magic trick, but the miracle of love and grace - DCM

Believe GOD, YOU WILL TRUST miracle
Believe HIS SON, YOU WILL HAVE A miracle!


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July 10,2013 morning


Reading: 1 Kings 11:1-13
NATS: Solomon did evil in the sight of God, and he does not wholeheartedly follow the Lord (1 Kings 11:6)

Why smart people do stupid things? Again and again I heard the sad story of people with a high IQ who did not have the moral wisdom, so that they experience the consequences are tragic. It seems clear that the brain is not smart enough to prevent someone from making a bad choice.

This is contrary to the belief held by some people that a better education can solve the problem of irregularities in the community. The reason is, "If we educate people about the dangers of the ..., they're not going to do 'it' that will keep him away from a variety of unpleasant consequences and undesirable."

However, the experience and the Bible says different things to us. In fact, most intelligent people who ever can act stupid when making a bad choice.

King Solomon, king of Israel in ancient times, the author of many books of Proverbs, wrote, "Keep thy heart with all diligence" (4:23) and "Wisdom live in the hearts of someone who is" (14:33). Despite knowing the relationship between the heart and the wisdom, the king disobeyed God by marrying foreign women who "leaned his heart after other gods" (1 Kings 11:4). Consequently, God said, "I will rend the kingdom from thee" (verse 11).

Ability to make good decisions requires care that is offered to God - JAL




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July 9,2013 day time


Reading: Joshua 22:10-34
NATS: This is a witness between us that the Lord is God (Joshua 22:34)

Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice), tells the story of a British woman from upper-middle class named Lizzy Bennet favored by Mr. Darcy, a wealthy man who subdued and complex character. The first time they met, Lizzy had the impression that Mr. Darcy is arrogant man, closed, and only think of themselves. So, when Mr. Darcy expressed love him, Lizzy rejected. Then, when Lizzy knows secrets about the many good deeds done Mr. Darcy secretly for others, Lizzy also admitted that he had been mistaken for Mr. Darcy, and eventually he was willing to marry him.

Joshua 22 records another thing about first impressions are wrong. The children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh have built an altar near the Jordan River. When the other tribes of Israel knew it, they were angry (verses 9-12) because Allah has ordered that only He is worthy of worship and offerings can only be done in the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 20:3; Leviticus 17:8,9). They looked at the construction of the altar which was the third such rate as an act of apostasy. Fortunately, Phinehas Priest sent an envoy to investigate the reason for the three parts to build the altar (Joshua 22:13-33). They then explained to the delegation that they had built the altar, a warning will be united all the tribes of Israel recognizes the existence of God (verse 34).

Often first impressions are wrong. Nonetheless, open communication can correct any misunderstandings caused by pride and prejudice us - HDF



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Monday, July 8, 2013

July 9, 2013 morning


Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:26-31
NATS: If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it (1 Corinthians 12:26)

Doctor Paul Brand, a medical missionary who lived in India, looks at a remarkable phenomenon in some patients. When they're in a period of recovery after undergoing surgery at the hospital, some family members will bring hot food to the patients. The next night a relative would sleep under the bed of the patient. And when the patient woke up in a state of pain, your loved ones will give you a gentle massage until she slept again.

Brand doctors initially thought that this way is inappropriate and unhealthy. But after some time, he began to notice that patients who received the loving care of the family, actually require less medication for pain relief. Their pain has been alleviated by the people who love them. "Family therapy" brings warmth and caring family to a place that is not unusual.
We can learn from the example of love and caring and apply it in the family. Those who belong to Christ are part of a spiritual family and need to be aware of the pain suffered by other members. The Apostle Paul said, "If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it" (1 Corinthians 12:26). 

This principle asks us to find practical ways to ease the pain of others. Do you currently know a brother in need "family therapy" from you? - HDF

To relieve the OTHERS



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July 8,2013 night


Reading: Matthew 6:25-34
NATS: Look at the birds in the sky .... Are you not much more valuable than that? (Matthew 6:26)

When you slow down your thinking and let it idle, where your mind drift? Are you worried about money? We have to be careful with money, but Jesus taught that we should not devote all his attention to the money. If you believe in God, you do not need to worry about the necessities of life. God alone has responsibility for providing food and clothing Andadan all your needs.

When Jesus spoke of our need for food, he refers to the birds, and said, [they] do not sow and do not reap and gather supplies in the barn, but fed by your Father who is in heaven. Are you not much more valuable than that? (Matthew 6:26). That does not mean we can get whatever we need without effort. The birds have to scavenge and find food. In essence, they do not have to worry about food.

Jesus commands us to focus our lives on God's kingdom. Then the clothes, food, and drinks we will definitely get. Look at it this way: Whether you live only for money or not, in the end you will surely leave or leave your money. But if you focus your life on God and do His will, other things will be provided for you.

Do you care to make money and keep beating you care to do the will of God? If so, stop and look at the birds HWR



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Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 8,2013 day time


Reading: Galatians 1:6-12
NATS: No one can lay any foundation other than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11)

"David, why was I not see you in class," I told one of my students when we happened to meet at the office of Information section. He looked at me with astonishment a "new students in the first week of college" and then realized that he had misread the schedule turns college, so he went to the wrong class.

The funny thing is that there are two language laboratories: one led by me and the other led by another lecturer. And, the day David had entered the wrong lab. I then said to him, "It's okay. Now I know that you still got the right teaching, so I consider your absence was not missed."

When contemplating this incident, I concluded that this sort of thing is similar to the opportunity that belongs to by many Christian churches in choosing their place of worship. In this case, the important thing is that the Christian presence in the church who provide true, the church is to preach salvation through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-5), the Bible makes a rule of faith and worship, as well as provide an opportunity for its members to serve in the name of Jesus. Should preach a sermon preached the true gospel and the true story of Jesus - not "another gospel" (Galatians 1:6-9). Not the most important carrier of news, but the news was delivered.

"Gospel" what you hear? Is the gospel is laid on the foundation of Jesus Christ? (1 Corinthians 3:11) - JDB



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July 8,2013 morning


Reading: 2 Timothy 1:8-13
NATS: Hold everything you have heard of me as a form of sound words, and do so with the faith and love in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

Three men who claim to be atheists decided to "try" and to report on some of the church that is in their town. One of the men said, "In addition to teaching, there are other things that lure people. We actually do not see a lot of doctrine .... Its appeal lies largely in the community itself. In most churches, the content is not as important as what's teachings looks from the outside. " Third atheists that gives this explanation for why thousands of people in the area they come to church every Sunday: The appeal was apparently derived from one's Christian identity, not of what religion teaches.

Their experiences similar to the observations of the author AW Tozer who said, "The number of Christians who rise to something embarrassing when seen from the side of truth. They claimed to believe in Christ, but their confidence had been so thinned that it is impossible to be defined clearly."

The Apostle Paul knew what he believed, and he instructed the young evangelist Timothy, to hold fast to the truth that has been taught (2 Timothy 1:12,13). We must hold fast to our beliefs based on the Bible and that is definitely inspired by God. What we believe about God is more decisive than any feeling that we get when in church. Tozer calls upon us to remain "firmly to the word of God is living and for ever" - AMC

Just Identity cards


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July 7,2013 night


Reading: 1 John 4:1-3
NATS: Every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. Is the spirit of antichrist (1 John 4:3)

Everyone likes a good story, but many people consider the best-selling novel The Da Vinci Code as a historical fact.
The main storyline in the book is a suspicion that the lost book of the Bible has been suppressed by the church for centuries. The books are missing is claimed that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child of the marriage. It did not reveal the history and deceive many people.
The books were thought to be the missing books of the Bible is found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, in 1945. These books kealkitabiahan deny Jesus and develop the worship of the gods, self-deification, and confidential information.

Then why the church does not put these books in the Bible? Because the documents in it does not meet the criteria for the authenticity of the Scriptures, which involves the following key questions: Is the author is someone who has chosen Jesus as an apostle? Is the book widely accepted among the leaders of the church? Is the Spirit of God speaks through the book? The books are missing it does not pass this test. However, all the books we have in the New Testament pass this test.
When a lot of people question the validity of the Bible, we need to give them an honorable answer and clear. It's probably going to make them want to know more about the Bible God kitadan we HDF



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July,7 2013 Day Time


Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
NATS: Let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily entangles, and run with endurance (Hebrews 12:1)
Chris Couch was only 16 years old when he was first eligible to play golf at the highest level of PGA Tour (Professional Golfers' Association). Quickly he predicted would be a brilliant player in the future and will certainly achieve success in the years to come.

Even so, life is more of a dull activity. Chris did not achieve success in a short time. He had to work hard for 16 years and the following 3 games "mini-tours". He was never tempted not to continue his career, but Chris continued to persevere. Finally, at the age of 32 years, for the first time Chris became the winner in the match New Orleans Open. Persistence brings results, but it is not easily obtained.
In his book A Long Obedience in the Same Direction (Long Obedience in the Same Direction), Bible teacher, Eugene Peterson, reminds us that the Christian life is more akin to a marathon than a 100 meter running game. Peterson said that we are called to "keep running, because that is what makes our lives worth living".

With the grace and power of Christ, we too can "run with endurance" the race this life (Hebrews 12:1). And, armed with the example of our Lord who helped and encouraged us, as the Apostle Paul's advice, we were able to run for the prize of "the crown of immortality" (1 Corinthians 9:25).
Do not give up too quickly - WEC



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Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 7, 2013 morning

JESUS: world's most unique

Reading: Philippians 2:5-11
NATS: In [Jesus] dwells all the fullness of deity in bodily form (Colossians 2:9)

A Christian who was recently sent an e-mail to a site that caters asked questions about faith. He said, "I struggle with other Christians statement that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and God. What will happen to those who believe otherwise?"
Such questions challenge us to examine our view of Jesus. Overview of the biblical Jesus and his uniqueness can help strengthen our belief that he is the only way.
Personal Jesus is unparalleled in history - this time he called out to us to entrust our lives to Him. Jesus Christ is:
Unique in nature: He is both God and man (John 10:30). Unique in prophecy: There is no life other leaders who prophesied so clearly and accurately (Micah 5:2). Unique in its mission: Only Jesus who came to save us from sin (Matthew 1:21). Unique in its birth: Only Jesus was born of a virgin (Matthew 1:23). Unique in ability: Only Jesus has the power to forgive sins (Mark 2:10). Unique in existence: Jesus was there before the beginning of time (John 1:1,2). Unique in position: Nobody equal with God (Phil. 2:5,6). Unique in government: Only Jesus reigns forever (Hebrews 1:8).
In history no one like Jesus. Only He who deserve our trust, and the only way to God is He - JDB



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July 6, 2013 night


Reading: Psalm 32:1-7

NATS: I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord, and You forgave the iniquity of my sin (Psalm 32:5)

Rubber tree that I bought for my wife Dorothy, add a touch of life in our home. However, suddenly one morning the leaves wilt. I had to wonder what the hell was going on.

When I go home for lunch, the tree has really changed. It's a beautiful tree when I brought it home from the store. The leaves are fresh again. When I asked Dorothy about it, he said that he read the instructions on how to keep the household in order to keep it looking fresh tree. Reading it states that the dust that accumulates on the leaves can actually block out the light on the surface, so we need to dust it regularly. Dorothy has been doing it and the results were amazing.

By the time we live in this world, particles can grow small sin in our lives. Hatred, sharp words, impure, selfish attitude, everything that endangers our spiritual endurance. If things were not immediately recognized, they will begin to form a layer of dust that keeps us from experiencing the light of God's grace in our hearts. The people around us will feel there is anything unusual.

If sin is not recognized pile has accumulated in your life, just be like Daudakuilah sins before God (Psalm 32:5). Wash the leaves dusty in your life, and once again enjoy the glory of God's love DJD



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July 6, 2013 day time


Reading: Psalm 95
NATS: Come, let us bow down, kneel before the Lord who made us (Psalm 95:6)

The Greeks and the ancient Romans refused kneeling position as part of the worship service. They said that their knees are not worth doing by free men. Position that does not fit with the culture of Greece and only suitable for people who are not civilized. Plutarch and Theophrastus scholars assume that kneeling is an expression of belief in superstition. Aristotle even says that kneeling is a form of behavior that is not civilized. However, this belief had never been followed by the people of God.

In Psalm 95:6, the psalmist declared that kneeling shows a very deep reverence to God. In this verse, the psalmist uses three different Hebrew words to show how it should be the attitude and position of a worshiper.
The first, the psalmist uses the word prostration, kneeling with the forehead that is docked to the floor as a sign of respect to God which means faithful to Him. The second word he uses is worship, which means bow to salute and worship the Lord. Then, he uses his knees, which means folding the knee as the pedestal stand to praise God.

According to the psalmist, kneeling in the presence of God is a sign of respect, not a form of uncivilized behavior. Nevertheless, the important thing is not only the position of our bodies, but also our humility - MLW



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Friday, July 5, 2013

July 6, 2013 morning


Reading: 2 Samuel 16:5-12

NATS: Maybe God will watch this affliction and the good Lord's reply to me as dressing curse him (2 Samuel 16:12)

Unlike David in 2 Samuel 16, we tend to want to take revenge, to silence our critics, demanding justice, and cleaned everything. But David said to those who want to defend him, "Let [Shimei] and let him cursing, because God has spoken to him" (verse 11).
For me, as the years passed, we grew - like David - an awareness of the love of God that protects. We become not too concerned about what other people we are, and even more we surrender to the Father. We learn humbly obedient to the will of God.
Surely we can ask our opponents to give reasons for their accusations against us, or we can deny the persistent if they slander us. 

However, when we have to act as much as possible, the only thing left is waiting patiently for God justifies us.
Meanwhile, it would be nice if we give them the words of slander us on the will of the One who loves us with an infinite love. We need to say that everything that God allowed to happen is for the sake of His goodness to us or anyone else - even though our hearts are broken and our tears streaming down.

Whatever people say about you, you are in the hands of God. He sees your pain, and in time will reward you with goodness. Believe in Him and abide in His love - DHR

TRUE shelter


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July 5,2013 night

EAT Dashboard

Reading: Revelation 3:14-22
NATS: If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I'll go get it and I eat together with him, and he together with me (Revelation 3:20)

Ate term appears de-dash with rampant practice eating while driving to save time. Popular street food is yogurt in a tube press, heat soup in the container-and-suction, and small cakes that fit in the cup holder in the car. An analyst of consumer products in the U.S. stated that the public's preference for foods that can quickly and easy to eat while on the road is increasing. In some cultures, a casual meal at the dining table to be a rare thing.
Mental eat-and-go can quickly invade our spiritual mind. Do we rule out daily communion that is not in a hurry with Jesus? Do as I read the Bible and pray, we do so in a hurry or relaxed?
The risen Christ said to the Laodicean church that suamsuam nails, Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I'll go get it and I eat together with him, and he co- same with me (Revelation 3:20). When we open our hearts to surrender to God, He promises great meals, not just snacks. His offer to eat with our promise that we will enjoy nutritious food and chatted casually, not just hello and goodbye greeting that rush.

When modern culture worships efficiency and speed, God invites us to slow down and sit down to enjoy a feast of spiritual communion with Him DCM

For the friendship WITH JESUS



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Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 5,2013 day time


Reading: Luke 10:38-42
NATS: But only one thing is needful: and Mary has chosen the best part will not be taken from him (Luke 10:42)

Mayor of a small town in Kentucky decided to stop cutting the grass in his yard in 2005. Then, he put up a board in his house that read: "There are things more important in life than tall grass."

The mayor said that he had some reason for not cutting the high grass. One is the death of his wife from cancer. That loss makes it reflect the priorities in life. Now he is happy to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in the afternoon and watch the wildflowers, as well as the squirrels and the birds are now coming into her yard. A member of the city council said: "If he wants that, so be it. I even began to feel that he might be right. There are other things more important than mowing the lawn."

The mayor gave us an insight into the priorities. What we do with the time we have to show what we think is important in life. Bible Reading today tells how Martha attention taken up as "busy about much serving" (Luke 10:40). Instead, she took the time to "sit at Jesus' feet" and listened to his teaching (verse 39). Maybe Maria realized that he would not have much chance to learn from Jesus.
Sometimes the responsibilities like washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, or working overtime for a project should be postponed so that we can make time with God, family, or friends. These things can be much more important - AMC



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July 5,2013 morning


Reading: Hebrews 11:1-7
NATS: By faith, Noah ... prepared an ark to save his family (Hebrews 11:7)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a famous preacher in the city of London, found that there is a principle in the life of Noah that "every act of faith to punish the world". "By faith, Noah ... moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became heir righteousness which is by faith" (Hebrews 11:7).

When interpreting the above verse, Spurgeon said, "Be holy .... I've heard that if there is a crooked stick and you want to show sebengkok what sticks, then you do not need to describe it at length. Place the a straight stick next the crooked stick. way you will instantly get the answer. Noah condemned the world and became heir righteousness by faith. "

The New Testament calls Noah as a "preacher of righteousness" (2 Peter 2:5), although none of the "sermon" it is written in the Bible. Perhaps Noah's obedience to God in making the ark that is the greatest testimony to the generation of self-centered and ruthless. "Just as God commanded him, so did he" (Gen. 6:22).

How easily we are tempted to criticize other people's sins committed. However, it would be much more remarkable if we choose to show the greatness and truth of God by living for Him - DCM



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June 4, 2013 night


Reading: Isaiah 5:1-7
NATS: [Allah forward] so that the garden produce good grapes, but it generates is sour grapes (Isaiah 5:2)

Song of Isaiah which describes Israel as God's vineyard has taught us that God has the right to expect love, worship, and obedience of the people who blessed him. Unfortunately, like the people in Isaiah's day, many of us show a little gratitude. And we deliberately undermine the moral laws of his. When we behave like this, God certainly has the right to impose penalties.
History reveals that when a nation refuses to ignore God and His word, the people will reap the bitter fruit.

On this day we are reminded again of the freedom that we enjoy. We should really be grateful for this freedom. However, sometimes we shrugged it off, less concerned about the people who get the blessing is not too much. We become a nation of self-centered individual who impose rights, doing things that are not fair to the other person, and do not think about their welfare.

The worst, while demanding to get personal independence, we do not really listen to the rights of God. Therefore, we need to realize that He is the Lord of the vineyard. He expects us to bear the fruit of love and obedience, and vinegar instead of feeling ungrateful and evil (Isaiah 5:2).
When we give thanks to God for our rights, we must not forget the rights of Allah HVL



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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 4,2013 day time


Reading: Romans 6:15-23
NATS: For the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2)

After being kidnapped and held hostage for 13 days, then finally released, news cameraman from New Zealand, Olaf Wiig, with a big smile said, "Now I feel more alive than my lifetime ago."
For some incomprehensible reason, freed was more exciting than living free.

For those who enjoy the freedom of every day, joy Olaf is a good reminder of how we so easily forget how very blessed we are. This is also true in the spiritual life. Anyone of us who have long been Christians often forget what it was like to be slaves to sin. We can be complacent and even less grateful. However, Allah sends warnings through someone new converts. He testified that inspires joy of what God has done in his life. And, it is testimony once again reminds us of the joy that we feel when we are freed from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2).

If freedom has become a regular thing for you, or if you tend to focus on what you can not do, think about this: you are not only no longer be slaves to sin, but you are also liberated to become holy and enjoy eternal life in the Jesus Christ! (Romans 6:22).

Celebrate your freedom in Christ by providing a time to give thanks to God for the things that can and you are free to do as His servant - JAL



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July 4,2013 morning


Reading: Psalm 100
NATS: Know that the Lord is God, He who made us and he got us, His people (Psalm 100:3)

When the members of the Second Continental Congress United States agreed on an extraordinary document known as the Declaration of Independence, they openly expressed their belief in God. The makers of the glorious proclamation concept know that freedom of the impact they are proposing it only can work well in a society that recognizes the Creator. They assert that God "give the gift" to everyone the right to "life, enjoy liberty, pursuit of happiness" because he appreciates each of us.

Thomas Jefferson, who later became the third president of the new nation, was sad to see the sins of the people. He wrote, "I tremble when I think of my country saw that God is just." If at that time he was shaking, then surely now he would have a heart attack is great!

The founders of the United States love the concept of individual freedom, but they do not refer to the free lifestyle that allows us to do whatever we like. True freedom can never be enjoyed by people who refuse to fear God.
The Psalmist said, "Know that the Lord is God; was he who made us and he got us, His people" (Psalm 100:3). We are accountable to God, because He has created us in love.
Today, commit back to life as a people of God. That's how to enjoy true freedom - HVL

Blessed NATION, WHICH his God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12)


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July 3,2013 night


Reading: Galatians 1:6-12
NATS: You are so quickly deserting ... and to a different gospel (Galatians 1:6)

What is the biggest challenge for us as Christians in the 21st century? Is immorality is rampant? Is social issues that divide? Is the increased stance against God? Those things are certainly dangerous. However, with dare I say that the greatest threat to us is the belief, that belief that keeps us from the Gospel.

Some confidence against Christ publicly, but other faiths do it subtly. They use language that is known to Christians, making it sound familiar. Then they added a way of thinking that perverted into it.

If the groups sound so Christian, how can we know if they teach another gospel? (Galatians 1:6). Below are some of the false teachings to watch.
1. Salvation through something other than faith in the work that has been completed Jesus on the cross (Apostles 4:12)
2. Do not want to think of Jesus as God is eternal in the human form, the only Savior (John 1)
3. Paid more attention to the words of men rather than the Word of God (1 Corinthians 2:12,13)
4. Leaders who do not lead like Christ through the guidance of biblical right (1 Timothy 4:6; Jude 4)

There are those who want to lead you to a different gospel. Learn the word of God, so that you will not be fooled JDB



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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 3 ,2013 day time


Reading: Acts 12:20-24
NATS: So the people shouted back, "It's the voice and not the voice of god man!" Immediately an angel of the Lord slapped (Acts 12:22,23)

King Herod, wearing royal attire, speech to the people because he wants them on his side. He was glad to hear people praise. "[It's] voice and not the voice of god man!" cheers people (Acts 12:22). Fear and respect for the only true God should make Herod refute this flattery, but he did not do it. Because he was not willing to "give glory to God", Herod immediately slapped by an angel of God. He suffered a horrible death for being disrespectful to God.

On the other hand, Paul and Barnabas had great respect for God, so they panic when people worshiped them (Acts 14:14,15). When the people saw the Apostle Paul was miraculously heal people who are already suffering from paralysis since birth, they exclaimed, "The gods have come down to the middle of us in human form!" Then, they prepare to sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas (verses 11-13). When he heard this, they then "tore their clothes, and then bursts into the middle of the crowd, crying, 'Hey you all, why do you do that?'" (Verses 14,15).

The second story of the Bible is this contrast, we find a genuine call to honor God in the world that does not respect him. Only that we should glorify Him, we praise and respect. He is the only one worthy of our worship - HVL

BUT TO GIVE GLORY your name - Psalms 115:1


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July 3,2013 morning


Reading: John 5:19-23
NATS: Son can do nothing of Himself (John 5:19)

Jesus is truly God, but also fully 
human. As a human being, strength, wisdom, and His greatness does not come from His divine nature but of the whole of his dependence on God. "The Son can do nothing of Himself," Jesus said (John 5:19). How much did Jesus do when separated from God? No!

Jesus is always dependent on His Father. Luke states that when the news spread about the ministry of Jesus, "Come crowds flocked to him to hear him and to be healed of their diseases. However he resigned to remote places and prayed" (Luke 5:15, 16). He knows the needs of his time will be shaded, to restore his soul.
Conducted in the silence that is important. Like Jesus, during the time that we formed and shady human will be used by God according to His will.

"But," you say, "I am now in a position that made me become useless." Maybe you feel your environment is very limiting. Illness, financial problems, boss or co-workers that are difficult, or a family member who does not seem to want to work together against you. However your situation, use it to draw closer to the Savior.

Learn to rely completely on the Father, just like Jesus. Berserahlah to God who will make you useful in any case according to His will - DHR

Usefulness SIZE YOU


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Monday, July 1, 2013

July 2, 2013 day time

Paid no heed to the Lord

Reading: Psalm 63:1-9
NATS: Just, do ... love the Lord, your God, to walk in all His ways road, keep following His commandments (Joshua 22:5)

As a former high school teacher and part-time lecturers at the university, I used to think like this: It would be no fun standing in front of the class and not be noticed by any student - speaking but not heard by anyone, but do not care about teaching the students.

Nobody likes when he was ignored. By the time we were talking with a friend, it hurt when our words are not heeded. When we are in the store and are in need of help, hurt it if the clerk does not care about us. If we are struggling with a problem, it hurt when nobody offered to help.
So, imagine how sad God when we ignore Him. Just think how His heart full of love will feel sad if we act as if He does not exist, when in fact He lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Think about how his feelings if we ignore His instructions contained in the Holy Scriptures, which is given unto us.
Let us be careful not to ignore God! In all things, big or small, let him remain in our minds at all times.

We can do that by reading the Bible that He has given to us; to make time to pray and listen to His voice is soft and serene; to enjoy His presence; by serving others in His name. Just like the psalmist, let us together say, "My soul clings to Thee" (Psalm 63:9) - JDB

ONLY a fool to ignore GOD


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July 2, 2013 morning


Reading: Exodus 13:17-22; 14:19,20
NATS: Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them the way (Exodus 13:21)

God led the children of Israel in a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night (Exodus 13:21)
A commentator named Arthur Pink interesting significant similarities between the cloud [in today's reading] that is in the middle of the desert with the Holy Spirit in the lives of Christians.
Pink suggests that just as the cloud was a tremendous boon for the people of Israel, then so is the Holy Spirit to be a boon for the children of God who believe in Him.

Jesus said, "I will ask the Father, and He will give you a another Helper" (John 14:16). The pillar of cloud to lead the people of Israel are given. Likewise the Holy Spirit is given to lead the Christian people. Jesus said, "If he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth" (16:13).
Even the clouds as well as living with the Israelites in the wilderness, Jesus promised that the Father would send the Spirit, which will "accompany" Christians for all time (14:16). Think about it! God alone is left in our hearts. We who know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is the temple of His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).

If we are led by the Holy Spirit, then our lives will be characterized by love, joy, peace, self-control (Galatians 5:16, 22,23). We're also going to be an effective witness for Christ while walking through the "wilderness" of this world - RWD




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July 1,2013 day

White-water rafting

Reading: 1Tawarikh 28:9-20
NATS: Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail and leave you (1Tawarikh 28:20)

At first I enjoyed my first experience rafting, until I heard the roar of the rapids in front of me. Suddenly I was flooded with emotion feeling uncertain, afraid, insecure at the same time. Wading rapids indeed a very thrilling experience! Then, suddenly, it all calmed down. Guide who sits in the back of the raft successfully guided us very well through the rapids. I survived - at least until the next meeting rapids.

Transitions in our lives is also similar to the river rapids. Many transition is inevitable as we move from a period of time to the next life - from college age to past work, from the single to the wedding, from career to retirement age, from marriage to a widower or a widow - all marked by indecision and anxiety.

One of the most significant changes and is recorded in the Old Testament when Solomon took over the throne of David his father. I believe Solomon beating for his future as if filled with uncertainty. However, what his father's advice? "Be strong and of good courage, and do it; ... because the Lord God, my God, is with you" (1Tawarikh 28:20).

You will experience periods of transition in your life. However, if you are with God in a life raft, then you are not alone in facing a variety of changes. Look who became guide to navigate the rapids of life. He has guided many people through the rapids of life. Calm water already waiting in front of you - JMS

The Lord will guide you


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