NATS: If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father, his mother, his wife, his children ... he can not be my disciple (Luke 14:26)
Application of Bible teachings in daily life
Reading: 1 Kings 11:1-13
NATS: Solomon did evil in the sight of God, and he does not wholeheartedly follow the Lord (1 Kings 11:6)
Why smart people do stupid things? Again and again I heard the sad story of people with a high IQ who did not have the moral wisdom, so that they experience the consequences are tragic. It seems clear that the brain is not smart enough to prevent someone from making a bad choice.
This is contrary to the belief held by some people that a better education can solve the problem of irregularities in the community. The reason is, "If we educate people about the dangers of the ..., they're not going to do 'it' that will keep him away from a variety of unpleasant consequences and undesirable."
However, the experience and the Bible says different things to us. In fact, most intelligent people who ever can act stupid when making a bad choice.
King Solomon, king of Israel in ancient times, the author of many books of Proverbs, wrote, "Keep thy heart with all diligence" (4:23) and "Wisdom live in the hearts of someone who is" (14:33). Despite knowing the relationship between the heart and the wisdom, the king disobeyed God by marrying foreign women who "leaned his heart after other gods" (1 Kings 11:4). Consequently, God said, "I will rend the kingdom from thee" (verse 11).
Ability to make good decisions requires care that is offered to God - JAL
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Reading: Joshua 22:10-34
NATS: This is a witness between us that the Lord is God (Joshua 22:34)
Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice (Pride and Prejudice), tells the story of a British woman from upper-middle class named Lizzy Bennet favored by Mr. Darcy, a wealthy man who subdued and complex character. The first time they met, Lizzy had the impression that Mr. Darcy is arrogant man, closed, and only think of themselves. So, when Mr. Darcy expressed love him, Lizzy rejected. Then, when Lizzy knows secrets about the many good deeds done Mr. Darcy secretly for others, Lizzy also admitted that he had been mistaken for Mr. Darcy, and eventually he was willing to marry him.
Joshua 22 records another thing about first impressions are wrong. The children of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh have built an altar near the Jordan River. When the other tribes of Israel knew it, they were angry (verses 9-12) because Allah has ordered that only He is worthy of worship and offerings can only be done in the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 20:3; Leviticus 17:8,9). They looked at the construction of the altar which was the third such rate as an act of apostasy. Fortunately, Phinehas Priest sent an envoy to investigate the reason for the three parts to build the altar (Joshua 22:13-33). They then explained to the delegation that they had built the altar, a warning will be united all the tribes of Israel recognizes the existence of God (verse 34).
Often first impressions are wrong. Nonetheless, open communication can correct any misunderstandings caused by pride and prejudice us - HDF
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Reading: Matthew 6:25-34
NATS: Look at the birds in the sky .... Are you not much more valuable than that? (Matthew 6:26)
When you slow down your thinking and let it idle, where your mind drift? Are you worried about money? We have to be careful with money, but Jesus taught that we should not devote all his attention to the money. If you believe in God, you do not need to worry about the necessities of life. God alone has responsibility for providing food and clothing Andadan all your needs.
When Jesus spoke of our need for food, he refers to the birds, and said, [they] do not sow and do not reap and gather supplies in the barn, but fed by your Father who is in heaven. Are you not much more valuable than that? (Matthew 6:26). That does not mean we can get whatever we need without effort. The birds have to scavenge and find food. In essence, they do not have to worry about food.
Jesus commands us to focus our lives on God's kingdom. Then the clothes, food, and drinks we will definitely get. Look at it this way: Whether you live only for money or not, in the end you will surely leave or leave your money. But if you focus your life on God and do His will, other things will be provided for you.
Do you care to make money and keep beating you care to do the will of God? If so, stop and look at the birds HWR
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Reading: Galatians 1:6-12
NATS: No one can lay any foundation other than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11)
"David, why was I not see you in class," I told one of my students when we happened to meet at the office of Information section. He looked at me with astonishment a "new students in the first week of college" and then realized that he had misread the schedule turns college, so he went to the wrong class.
The funny thing is that there are two language laboratories: one led by me and the other led by another lecturer. And, the day David had entered the wrong lab. I then said to him, "It's okay. Now I know that you still got the right teaching, so I consider your absence was not missed."
When contemplating this incident, I concluded that this sort of thing is similar to the opportunity that belongs to by many Christian churches in choosing their place of worship. In this case, the important thing is that the Christian presence in the church who provide true, the church is to preach salvation through Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-5), the Bible makes a rule of faith and worship, as well as provide an opportunity for its members to serve in the name of Jesus. Should preach a sermon preached the true gospel and the true story of Jesus - not "another gospel" (Galatians 1:6-9). Not the most important carrier of news, but the news was delivered.
"Gospel" what you hear? Is the gospel is laid on the foundation of Jesus Christ? (1 Corinthians 3:11) - JDB
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Reading: 2 Timothy 1:8-13
NATS: Hold everything you have heard of me as a form of sound words, and do so with the faith and love in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)
Three men who claim to be atheists decided to "try" and to report on some of the church that is in their town. One of the men said, "In addition to teaching, there are other things that lure people. We actually do not see a lot of doctrine .... Its appeal lies largely in the community itself. In most churches, the content is not as important as what's teachings looks from the outside. " Third atheists that gives this explanation for why thousands of people in the area they come to church every Sunday: The appeal was apparently derived from one's Christian identity, not of what religion teaches.
Their experiences similar to the observations of the author AW Tozer who said, "The number of Christians who rise to something embarrassing when seen from the side of truth. They claimed to believe in Christ, but their confidence had been so thinned that it is impossible to be defined clearly."
The Apostle Paul knew what he believed, and he instructed the young evangelist Timothy, to hold fast to the truth that has been taught (2 Timothy 1:12,13). We must hold fast to our beliefs based on the Bible and that is definitely inspired by God. What we believe about God is more decisive than any feeling that we get when in church. Tozer calls upon us to remain "firmly to the word of God is living and for ever" - AMC
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