Reading: 1 Kings 11:1-13
NATS: Solomon did evil in the sight of God, and he does not wholeheartedly follow the Lord (1 Kings 11:6)
Why smart people do stupid things? Again and again I heard the sad story of people with a high IQ who did not have the moral wisdom, so that they experience the consequences are tragic. It seems clear that the brain is not smart enough to prevent someone from making a bad choice.
This is contrary to the belief held by some people that a better education can solve the problem of irregularities in the community. The reason is, "If we educate people about the dangers of the ..., they're not going to do 'it' that will keep him away from a variety of unpleasant consequences and undesirable."
However, the experience and the Bible says different things to us. In fact, most intelligent people who ever can act stupid when making a bad choice.
King Solomon, king of Israel in ancient times, the author of many books of Proverbs, wrote, "Keep thy heart with all diligence" (4:23) and "Wisdom live in the hearts of someone who is" (14:33). Despite knowing the relationship between the heart and the wisdom, the king disobeyed God by marrying foreign women who "leaned his heart after other gods" (1 Kings 11:4). Consequently, God said, "I will rend the kingdom from thee" (verse 11).
Ability to make good decisions requires care that is offered to God - JAL
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