Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 8,2013 morning


Reading: 2 Timothy 1:8-13
NATS: Hold everything you have heard of me as a form of sound words, and do so with the faith and love in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 1:13)

Three men who claim to be atheists decided to "try" and to report on some of the church that is in their town. One of the men said, "In addition to teaching, there are other things that lure people. We actually do not see a lot of doctrine .... Its appeal lies largely in the community itself. In most churches, the content is not as important as what's teachings looks from the outside. " Third atheists that gives this explanation for why thousands of people in the area they come to church every Sunday: The appeal was apparently derived from one's Christian identity, not of what religion teaches.

Their experiences similar to the observations of the author AW Tozer who said, "The number of Christians who rise to something embarrassing when seen from the side of truth. They claimed to believe in Christ, but their confidence had been so thinned that it is impossible to be defined clearly."

The Apostle Paul knew what he believed, and he instructed the young evangelist Timothy, to hold fast to the truth that has been taught (2 Timothy 1:12,13). We must hold fast to our beliefs based on the Bible and that is definitely inspired by God. What we believe about God is more decisive than any feeling that we get when in church. Tozer calls upon us to remain "firmly to the word of God is living and for ever" - AMC

Just Identity cards


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