Monday, July 1, 2013

July 2, 2013 day time

Paid no heed to the Lord

Reading: Psalm 63:1-9
NATS: Just, do ... love the Lord, your God, to walk in all His ways road, keep following His commandments (Joshua 22:5)

As a former high school teacher and part-time lecturers at the university, I used to think like this: It would be no fun standing in front of the class and not be noticed by any student - speaking but not heard by anyone, but do not care about teaching the students.

Nobody likes when he was ignored. By the time we were talking with a friend, it hurt when our words are not heeded. When we are in the store and are in need of help, hurt it if the clerk does not care about us. If we are struggling with a problem, it hurt when nobody offered to help.
So, imagine how sad God when we ignore Him. Just think how His heart full of love will feel sad if we act as if He does not exist, when in fact He lives in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Think about how his feelings if we ignore His instructions contained in the Holy Scriptures, which is given unto us.
Let us be careful not to ignore God! In all things, big or small, let him remain in our minds at all times.

We can do that by reading the Bible that He has given to us; to make time to pray and listen to His voice is soft and serene; to enjoy His presence; by serving others in His name. Just like the psalmist, let us together say, "My soul clings to Thee" (Psalm 63:9) - JDB

ONLY a fool to ignore GOD


  • translation into English of android applications e-RH (PSM) 1.0 Yayasan Lembaga Sabda (


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