Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 4,2013 morning


Reading: Psalm 100
NATS: Know that the Lord is God, He who made us and he got us, His people (Psalm 100:3)

When the members of the Second Continental Congress United States agreed on an extraordinary document known as the Declaration of Independence, they openly expressed their belief in God. The makers of the glorious proclamation concept know that freedom of the impact they are proposing it only can work well in a society that recognizes the Creator. They assert that God "give the gift" to everyone the right to "life, enjoy liberty, pursuit of happiness" because he appreciates each of us.

Thomas Jefferson, who later became the third president of the new nation, was sad to see the sins of the people. He wrote, "I tremble when I think of my country saw that God is just." If at that time he was shaking, then surely now he would have a heart attack is great!

The founders of the United States love the concept of individual freedom, but they do not refer to the free lifestyle that allows us to do whatever we like. True freedom can never be enjoyed by people who refuse to fear God.
The Psalmist said, "Know that the Lord is God; was he who made us and he got us, His people" (Psalm 100:3). We are accountable to God, because He has created us in love.
Today, commit back to life as a people of God. That's how to enjoy true freedom - HVL

Blessed NATION, WHICH his God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12)


  • translation into English of android applications e-RH (PSM) 1.0 Yayasan Lembaga Sabda (

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