Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 3 ,2013 day time


Reading: Acts 12:20-24
NATS: So the people shouted back, "It's the voice and not the voice of god man!" Immediately an angel of the Lord slapped (Acts 12:22,23)

King Herod, wearing royal attire, speech to the people because he wants them on his side. He was glad to hear people praise. "[It's] voice and not the voice of god man!" cheers people (Acts 12:22). Fear and respect for the only true God should make Herod refute this flattery, but he did not do it. Because he was not willing to "give glory to God", Herod immediately slapped by an angel of God. He suffered a horrible death for being disrespectful to God.

On the other hand, Paul and Barnabas had great respect for God, so they panic when people worshiped them (Acts 14:14,15). When the people saw the Apostle Paul was miraculously heal people who are already suffering from paralysis since birth, they exclaimed, "The gods have come down to the middle of us in human form!" Then, they prepare to sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas (verses 11-13). When he heard this, they then "tore their clothes, and then bursts into the middle of the crowd, crying, 'Hey you all, why do you do that?'" (Verses 14,15).

The second story of the Bible is this contrast, we find a genuine call to honor God in the world that does not respect him. Only that we should glorify Him, we praise and respect. He is the only one worthy of our worship - HVL

BUT TO GIVE GLORY your name - Psalms 115:1



translation into English of android applications e-RH (PSM) 1.0 Yayasan Lembaga Sabda (ylsa.org)

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